Why? To raise money for my next bike of course! Hopefully it will be a 2009 Giant TCR® Advanced 2.
I am also trying to sell my 2008 Giant TCR C3. See it in my blog posting, or on craigslist, or eBay. And my 2007 TCR C2 on craigslist.
Won't you help me secure the most up-to-date bike bling? I must have this new bike in order to win gloriously! Spread the word! OK, I'm kidding, but if I can sell these bikes that would be cool. :-)
Update: The 2008 has been sold! I would still consider selling my 2007, but I really doubt it's worth it. I will probably just keep the 2007 and use that for training rides. My new 2009 will be mostly just for races, and occasional training... I am secretly hoping it somehow transmogrifies into a TCR® Advanced SL 1. Who wouldn't want that awesome integrated seatpost and full Dura-Ace! While reality intrudes, and dictates that I will get the Advanced 2, I still can't wait to get it!